Insight into the Human Heart

”With opportunities come risks, but don’t be afraid to take them. It is in moments of risk that the greatest leaders are often born.

Passion is an incredible asset for any person, but especially leaders. It keeps us going when others quit. It becomes contagious and influences others to follow us. It pushes us through the toughest of times and gives us energy we didn’t not know we posses.

Leadership finds its source in understanding. To be worthy of the responsibility of leadership, a person must have insight into the human heart. Sensitivity toward the hopes and dreams of people on your team is essential for connecting with them and motivation them.

Good leaders are attentive to small issues. They pay attention to their intuition. And they also pay close attention to what is being said. That requires more than just good listening skills. It requires good understanding of people, and it also means being secure enough to ask for honest communication from others and to not become defensive when receiving it. To be an effective leader, you need to let others tell you what you need to hear, but not necessarily what you want to hear.

“Listening builds trust, the foundation of all lasting relationships.” Effective leaders are active listeners. They seek out the thoughts, opinions, and feelings of others.

– Compiled July 8, 2012. Excerpts from John Maxwell.